Small Biz Ahead
A Podcast By Small Business Owners, For Small Business Owners
1 year ago

10 Tips for Starting Your Business in Your State

Episode Notes

Hey everybody, this is Gene Marks and welcome to this week's Small Biz Ahead podcast. Thanks so much for joining me. I wanna talk a little bit about starting up a business but not necessarily just the global, have a business plan and get financing and have a team of advisors and all that kind of stuff. I wanna talk about some particulars about starting up a business in your state because when you start up a business, there are certainly some federal rules that you need to adhere to, filing for a tax return, establishing an employee identification number or getting yourself set up from a federal basis. But, you know, each state has its own particular rules. A lot of them are the same. And obviously, if you're listening to this, I'm not gonna go through what the rules are for all 50 states in the country, but I just wanted you to be aware of some of the issues that are state issues that you should be following and you should be knowing about when you start up a business, or frankly, even if you're running a business, regardless of where you're located in the country.

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