Small Biz Ahead
A Podcast By Small Business Owners, For Small Business Owners
2 years ago

5 Up and Coming Benefits That Can Help You Retain Employees

Episode Notes

Hey everybody. This is Gene Marks and welcome to this week's segment of Small Biz Ahead. Thank you so much for joining me. I'm glad that you are here and I've got a lot to talk about, this week. Listen, you're fine with employees, right? You got plenty. It's all good. Your payroll is full. You're just turning around employees at the door, correct? I mean, you don't need any more help in your business. Obviously I'm kidding. This is the biggest issue that is facing small businesses and large businesses all around the country. It's finding good people. Well, we know there are 11 million open jobs right now. We know that, you know, unemployment rate, although it's low, there are still a lot of people that are not coming back to work right now, people changing and switching jobs. When there's a low supply of something and a high demand for it, it drives up the price. So you gotta pay your people more. That's a given, but you also wanna provide good competitive benefits for your employees as well. And so what I did is, I talked to a bunch of people, some HR experts and small business owners around the country and did a little bit of research to find out what are some of the hottest employee benefits that are being offered in 2022. And I've got five of them that I would like to share with you because you should be offering these benefits or some combination of these benefits.

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