Small Biz Ahead
A Podcast By Small Business Owners, For Small Business Owners
1 year ago

5 Tips for Pitching an Idea to an Investor

Episode Notes

Hey everybody, this is Gene Marks and welcome to my weekly Hartford Small Biz Ahead podcast. Thanks so much for joining me. Today's topic, or this week's topic is about pitching your idea to an investor. How do you pitch your idea to an investor? Now, I know you've seen Shark Tank and I get it, but that's TV and that's entertainment. Maybe you've read some articles. I'm pitching ideas to investors. I get lots of small business owners, startups, entrepreneurs, pitching ideas to me all the time. And I have to tell you, after being in business for a number of years and dealing with a lot of profitable businesses, I'm talking about clients, not just my own. I have learned a few things, and I tell you, if you are gonna pitch an idea from me, there are like five things that you really need to be doing when you pitch an idea to an investor.

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