Small Biz Ahead
A Podcast By Small Business Owners, For Small Business Owners
1 month ago

3 Tips for Providing Great Customer Service

Episode Notes

Key Podcast Highlights

How Do I Provide Excellent Customer Service?

  1. Do What You Say You're Going To Do: When the customer buys something, they have a certain expectation on what they're going to buy. One of the best ways to deliver excellent customer service is to always follow through on the promises your business is making. If you're promising to deliver your product within 30 days, you should do everything you can to make sure that happens.
  2. Treat Your Customers With Respect: Follow the golden rule: "Treat others the way you'd want to be treated". Customers today already feel a lack of respect from the businesses they interact with. Good brands know that their customers want to feel acknowledged and appreciated.
  3. Management Leads By Example: The standard of excellent customer service is passed down from the top level of management to employees of the business. If you're a business owner, you have to depend on your employees to deliver quality customer service. Managers should show their

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