Small Biz Ahead
A Podcast By Small Business Owners, For Small Business Owners
9 months ago

Can Offering Freebies Help You With Customer Retention?

Episode Notes

Hey everybody, this is Gene Marks and welcome to this week's edition of the Hartford Small Biz Ahead podcast. Thank you so much for joining me. This week I wanna talk about giving away free stuff, freebies, things that don't cost you that much, but man, do they reply? They put back a big return on investment for your business. Lemme tell you a story, okay? I was going out to dinner with my wife a few weeks ago. We went to this Italian restaurant. It was our first time there actually. Anyway, we had reservations for seven o'clock, and we got to the restaurant at seven o'clock, and you know what? The table wasn't ready. We waited a few more minutes, and then the maitre d came over and said to us, "Hey, it's still gonna be another 10, 15 minutes. Why not go and have a seat at the bar?"